We prepare and preset any request that you need to make to the cadastre in a màximum of 6 working hours.
Carrying out procedures in the public administration can be a complicated and confusing process. The procedures are very rigid and the bureaucracy very extensive, so it’s normal that you find yourself with many obstacles if you don’t know how to present things correctly.
This causes many procedures to take longer than they should and that you despair when you don’t know how to solve them.
We have been working daily with the cadaster for 20 years. For this reason, we know how it works perfectly: how to fill the forms, how to present the documentation, how to manage any procedure…
If you want to save yourself headaches and streamline processes, get in touch with us and we will help you.
First of all, check that you have the necessary documentation for this job.
Emplena el formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tu com més aviat millor.
Phone number: +34 971 755 945
Email: info@estudi-cat.com
Aquest projecte està cofinançat en un 50% amb càrrec al programa Operatiu FEDER 2014-2020 de les Illes Balears.